Call for submissions: The 8th International Symposium on Mathematics Education and Innovation (ISMEI)
Theme: “Empowering Future Generations through Emerging Technology Trends in Mathematics Education”
We invite submissions of the original and unpublished work to the symposium for review. Only scholarly work that has not been published elsewhere should be submitted for consideration. The followings are the topics:
> Open Distance Learning in Mathematics Education
Explore innovative approaches to mathematics education in remote and online settings.
> Integrating ICT in Mathematics Education
Discuss how technology can enhance teaching and learning in mathematics classrooms.
> Computational Thinking, Coding, and Robotics in Mathematics Learning
Share research and practices related to computational skills and programming in mathematics education.
> AI in Mathematics Education
Investigate the role of artificial intelligence in shaping math instruction and student engagement.
> Integrative STEM Education
Highlight interdisciplinary approaches that integrate science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.
> Statistical Literacy
Address statistical concepts and data literacy in mathematics curricula.
> Mathematical Modelling
Present studies on mathematical modelling and its applications.
> Ethnomathematics
Explore cultural perspectives and indigenous knowledge in mathematics education.
> Numeracy
Focus on developing numeracy skills and mathematical fluency.
> Curriculum and Assessment
Discuss effective curriculum design and assessment strategies in mathematics teaching and learning
> Higher-Order Thinking Skills
Investigate critical thinking, problem-solving, and creativity in mathematics teaching and learning.
We welcome submissions from mathematics teachers, pre-service teachers, university students, mathematics educators, practitioners, and researchers. Join us in advancing mathematics education through cutting-edge research and innovative practices!
Guidelines on Submission of Extended Abstract
We invite you to submit your extended abstract, which have not been previously presented, for consideration at our symposium.
Here are some important points of the extended abstract:
- The extended abstract must briefly include Title, Abstract, Introduction, Methods, Results and Discussion, Conclusion, and References section.
- The extended abstract should be approximately 3-4 pages (including reference section)
- Paper size must be set to A4 with margin of 3cm for right and top and 4cm for bottom and left.
- The extended abstract must follow the extended abstract template (link extended abstract). Reviewers can reject your extended abstract if it is full of typos, grammatical errors, irrelevant with the topics, and does not follow the template.
- The abstract of the extended abstract should not exceed 200 words.
- All diagrams, tables, and figures included in the paper should be clearly labelled and cantered between the margins. Please leave one blank line (10pt not bold) before the diagram, table or figure. Insert the label below figures in TNR 10pt bold and left aligned. Insert the label above tables in TNR 10pt bold and left aligned. Leave one blank line (10pt not bold) after the label. If the figure has no label, insert one blank line (12pt not bold) after the figure.
- The citation and references should follow the APA 7 style. Mendeley referencing manager is recommended to be used. References should include full information: author or institution, full title, publisher, city and year (for books, manuals, etc.); or full journal name, volume, year, and page range (for papers).
- Acknowledgements, if any, should be added just before the references.
Please ensure that you have registered as a paper presenter at our official registration page (
Following this, you will receive a username and password via the email you provided, which will allow you to proceed with the submission process.
All submissions will be handled through our Online Conference System (
For guidance on the extended-abstract submission procedures, please refer to the diagram provided.
Event |
Tentative Dates |
Deadline for Extended Abstract Submission |
7 July 2024 |
Announcement of Accepted Extended Abstract |
13 August 2024 |
Download the template for extended abstract here
For details of abstract submission guidelines, please click here
Guidelines on Publication
The organizer will invite author(s) to publish their full paper in the ISMEI proceedings in Atlantis Press*, Southeast Asia Mathematics Education Journal (SEAMEJ), or Southeast Asia Journal on Open and Distance Learning (ODELIA). The submitted manuscript will be checked for plagiarism before sent to the reviewers.
However, final decision will be based on the criteria set by the respective publisher(s).
> The Full paper template for ISMEI Proceeding in Atlantis press, click here
> The Full paper template for SEAMEJ, click here
> The Full paper template for ODELIA, click here
> For details of publication guidelines, please click here
SEAQiM also provides grants for mathematics teachers from Southeast Asia. Please see the details at
*) to be confirmed