SEAMEO Regional Centre for QITEP in Mathematics provides travel grant that cover round trip economy air tickets or land transportation from the nearest city to Yogyakarta and accommodation during the Symposium for the 10 best mathematics teachers (8 teachers from Indonesia and 2 teachers from other Southeast Asia Countries) to attend and present their papers at the 8th International Symposium on Mathematics Education Innovation to be held in Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
Term and condition:
1. Eligibility: The registrant must be a mathematics teacher with the status of paper presenter and must have received notification that their extended abstract has been accepted for this symposium.
2. Full Paper Submission: Mathematics teachers are required to submit a full paper detailing their research or an innovation implemented in their classrooms.
Grant full paper template, download here.
3. Submission Deadline for grant applicants: Papers must be submitted to the online conference system by September 2, 2024.
4. Awards: Recognition will be awarded based on merit.
5. Grant Application Opening: The grant application process will commence on August 14, 2024. (The link to the grant registration form will be sent to the email of the paper presenters who are eligible to apply as grant recipients.)
6. Grant Results Announcement: The outcome of the grant applications will be announced on September 16, 2024.